Saturday, November 26, 2011


ya,it was finished!
aim for band 4 (at least!)
dun wan to retain n no time for it XD

this time outing din hav any photos la
watch 《那些年》.
maybe tears are running out of stocks.i din't cry at all.
it is a good movie,but better books ♥
the happy thing is tat we found a bakery.
wow~ yummy! i fall in love with bread,dun make me accdicted anymore.
no more marry brown!

*start of new sem
is all about lazy,boring n sleepy.
happy to have new classmates.
hope to do well in tis sem. the last sem of matric!
i need money!

*home o(≧v≦)o~~好棒
taxi+ bus + ktm.
so thankful tat monday is a holiday,one day extra XP
gonna enjoy~

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