the post title is full of pressure n tension n stress!!
is a MUET speaking test.not a mute test,so SPEAK!
tis is what my English lecturer told us before my muet speaking test.
English is one of my weakest subject,though my mum is English teacher.
this is a shame,i know =(
so once i enter matrik,i try to use English to speak to a lot og people.
but it doesn't help much.cause i am using brokrn english n noone correct me.
then i gave up.
just 2 weeks before the test,i started practise with my friends.
crazy practice-----until we just ignore our revision for final exam~
ok,now i am home!
means tat my PSPM (final exam) had over!!! XP
i survive in the war of exam n pressure!
finally i can relax!
n i wanna throw the huge stack of my lecture note.
n then i will replace with lots of story books n DVD in my book rack.
if i ask u:
wat is the feeling when u didn,t touch computer for more than 1 month?
can't online ?
no TV?
no newspaper or magazine?
dropped out from the lastest trend?
i live without these things for more than 1 months.
thanks god i struggle through it
and now i want to redeem them back =)
my next target ^^